12th BPU CONGRESS – Bucharest, Romania
(8-12 July, 2025)
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The 20th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science – IBWAP 2021 has been postponed

With many regrets, we have to inform that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be able to meet in Constanta for IBWAP Conference, scheduled to take place on July 13th -16th 2021.

We waited and hoped, but the information we have available suggest that global health and travel restrictions may continue also this year and are likely to last longer than we expected.

Because we believe that organizing the IBWAP online is not a good idea, we decided to postpone the IBWAP on July 12-15, 2022. All the information will be updated on http://ibwap.ro/

With best regards and wishes of good health,

Yours sincerely,
Conference Organizing Committee