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Turkish Physical Society, 37th International Physics Congress

The Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress (TPS-37) will be held between September 1st – 5th at Herodot Cultural Center, Konacık-Bodrum (Turkey), with meeting in-person and online.


September 1st, 2021 – 11:00

Herodot Cultural Center


Karl Jakobs-University of Freiburg, Germany Joachim Mnich-CERN, Switzerland Tatsuya Nakada-EPFL, Switzerland Saleh Sultansoy-TOBB ETU, Turkey Frank Zimmermann-CERN, Switzerland.

Moderator: Serkant Ali ÇETİN – İstanbul Bilgi University – Turkey.
The opening ceremony of the congress, the presentations of our invited speakers and our panel will be broadcast online on the Turkish Physical Society TV Youtube Channel.

Turkish Physical Society Congresses is the biggest Physics Conference in Turkey with approximately 800 participants from all over the world.
We kindly request you to announce the relevant information to all your undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students and academic staff.

Congress Website: http://www.tfd37.org/