12th BPU CONGRESS – Bucharest, Romania
(8-12 July, 2025)
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This constitution establishes the Association of  Physical Societies of the Balkan Countries under the name “BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION “, as a legal entity with a scientific, non-profit character, which will be governed by the following provisions:

  1. The founding name of the Association of Physical Societies is “BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION”.
  2. The seat of the founding Association is Thessaloniki and specifically the Physics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  3. The Association has its own seal, with the title “BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION”

The idea to establish the Balkan Physical Union was first devised and put in motion by Prof A. Milojevic (Yugoslavia) and Prof. I Ursu (Romania) at the VIII Congress of the Union of Yugoslav Societies of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (UYSMPA), held in Pristina (Yugoslavia) in Nov. 1985 where the proposal was accepted. The first Balkan Physical Union Council meeting was held in Bucharest in 1987, when the Constitution of the BPU was signed by the Balkan National Physical Society delegates from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia and Turkey. The new constitution was adopted in the 1997 Council held in Cluj, Romania. With this constitution, adopted in 27th of May, 2022, the Balkan Physical Union acquires its legal Entity for the first time. 



The Balkan Physical Union (BPU) is a scientific, non-governmental and non-profit Association of the National Physical Societies of the Balkan Countries, established with the aim to promote:

  • research in physics and related sciences in the Balkans;
  • teaching of physics at the primary, secondary and high school level, and in the universities;
  • application of physics research in industry, economy and environment;
  • collaboration and mutual assistance in research and education among physicists in Balkans and
  • peace and friendship among the Balkan people.


To accomplish the aims outlined in Article 2 of the present Constitution, the BPU may organise:

  • activities within the framework of joint research projects, including mutual assistance, if so desired, in the development and application of research equipment;
  • common research Institutes and Centres;
  • congresses, conferences, symposia, workshops, working groups of experts and other scientific meetings gathering physicists from the Balkan Countries;
  • courses and/or schools with the participation of visiting lecturers to deliver talks and other interactive debates aimed at upgrading the qualification of the professional physicists and the students enrolled in Physics study programmes from the Balkan countries;
  • Olympiads (Balkaniads) in Physics;
  • exchange of students enrolled in Physics study programmes;
  • scientific and science-organisational internships, visits of delegations, acceptance of participants in various events;
  • exchange of scientific and professional information, publications, curricula and syllabi in Physics, devices for demonstration and other training tools;
  • issues of periodical and non-periodical publications, books, monographs, brochures;
  • translation of monographs, textbooks and review publications for acquaintance with the problems and the achievements of the Physicists from the Balkan countries;
  • other joint activities and events involving keen physicists from the Balkan countries, in compliance with the aims stipulated under Article 2.


BPU co-operates with its Members and Associated Members, with the international scientific organisations such as EPS, IUPAP, UNESCO, ICTP, CERN, etc. as well as with scientific societies in other countries that can contribute to the fulfilment of the BPU’s mission.

By Council decision, BPU may issue its own periodical and non periodical publications. For editing them, the Council elects an Editor in Chief and an Editorial Board. The Editor in Chief of the Board reports to the Council.

By Council or Executive Committee decision BPU Institutes or Centres may be formed. Directors of BPU Institutes and Centres report to the Council.


ARTICLE 4: resources of the Association

The activities of the BPU are funded from membership fees, grants and donations. The membership fees are established by the Council with reference to one and the same currency. Membership fees are to be deposited in a BPU account at disposal of the President and Executive Secretary.

The resources of the Association also come from the registration of the members and their contributions, from the annual subscriptions of the members, from the registration fees for attending the seminars, conferences and all kinds of events organized by the Association.

ARTICLE 5: Members of the Association

The members of BPU can be regular, honorary or associate.



Regular members of the BPU are the National Physical Societies of Balkan Countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey), and one person appointed by each society.

Each Country is represented by only one physical society. The Members of the BPU enjoy equal rights in its activities and administration.

The number of members cannot be less than ten (10). Apart from that it is not subject to any other restriction.

A new society can be accepted following the procedure described as follows:

The candidate society can apply any time to join BPU, but at least 3 months before the Council Meeting. The application form has to be submitted to the BPU President, and then the BPU Executive Committee evaluates the application and makes a proposal in the next Council meeting. 



Honorary members are individuals with highest standing in the field of Physics or supporting organisations that have made significant contributions to support the goals of the BPU. Admission of Honorary Members may be proposed by any BPU member. Honorary members are accepted by a decision of the Council adopted by an absolute majority, following a proposal submitted by the Executive Committee.


Associate Members of BPU are institutions, organisations, and companies working in the field of Physics and Applied Sciences that adopt the goals of BPU and promote and support its activities. Admission of the Associated Members may be proposed by any BPU member.

Associate members are accepted by a decision of the Council adopted by an absolute majority, following a proposal submitted by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE 9:  Members rights

The regular members are entitled to take part in the meetings, to check the actions of the Executive Committee, to elect and to be elected members of the Executive Committee. They also have the right to vote in the elections of the Council.

Honorary members have the right to attend the BPU Council, to express their opinion on issues that concern them, but are deprived of the right to vote and to take part in elections.

ARTICLE 10: Members obligations

All members of the Association are obliged: a) to actively contribute to the success of the goals of the Association, b) to comply with the decisions of the Council



The membership fee for each member is set at 10 Euros per year. This amount may fluctuate by decision of the Council.


Every individual member has the right to leave the Association at any time by submitting a request to be removed from the register of members.

Every National Physical Society-Member of BPU may terminate its membership in the Union if so desired. Such a decision should be made known one year before the contemplated withdrawal enters into effect.



A person – member that represents a society may be removed from the registers of the Association, following a reasonable decision of the Council adopted by a majority of two-thirds, if the member in question acts against the aspirations and purposes of the Association or interferes in the implementation of the decisions of the Council or her/his conduct is incompatible with the interests of the Association.


ARTICLE 14:  The BPU Council

The top level administration of the Association is exercised by the regular members of the Council that meets regularly, once every three years.

The highest forum of the BPU is the BPU Council that meets once every three years, made up as follows: three representatives of each Member National Society. The representatives of each Member Society may be changed by the National Physical Societies. The Council will also elect the Editor in chief of the Balkan Physics Letters and Directors of Institutes and Centres established by the BPU;

The former BPU Presidents, Vice Presidents, Executive and Scientific Secretaries of the BPU, the Editor in chief of the Balkan Physics Letters and Directors of Institutes and Centres are Honorary Μembers of the BPU Council.

As a rule, the Council meets regularly once every three years. Associated Members and Honorary Members may participate without voting rights. The obligations of the Council are to:

  • amend the BPU Constitution, if necessary;
  • elect the President, the Vice President, the Scientific Secretary, the Executive Secretary and the Coordinator of International Projects among the three representatives of each Member National Society, for a period of three years;
  • approve new Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members upon the Executive Committee proposal;
  • decide the general BPU activity plans for the period between two meetings;
  • decide on the place and time of the General BPU Conferences – BPU Congress;
  • approve all the reports submitted to the Council concerning the BPU activities including financial matters;
  • outline the budget of BPU and determine the due of Members of BPU ;
  • make decisions about the publications of BPU;
  • fulfill other duties in accordance with the BPU Constitution;
  • discuss scientific and professional matters of importance for the physicists of the Balkan countries;
  • nominate Editor in Chief of BPL and Directors of Institutes and Centres and regularly discusses their activities;

If necessary, the BPU Council can have extraordinary online meetings. The extraordinary Council meeting has to be announced by the President on the basis of the Executive Committee decision.

The meeting is to be announced by the Vice-President in case that the President is not able to announce it.

The BPU Council adopts decisions by a simple majority, besides cases described in the constitution. Each National Physical Society Member of BPU and each individual has the right to one vote.

The General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – the Balkan Physical Union Congress takes place every three years. The venue of the next Conference is decided by the Council during its regular meeting.

Scientific and professional matters of importance for the physicists in the Balkan countries may be discussed at the General Conference – Congress.

A Quorum of Council will consist of a majority plus one of the Council members who have the right to vote.  In case of a tie, President’s vote will count as double.

If there is no quorum the Council will be repeated after 8 days.



The leading structures of BPU are the Board of the Directors, the Executive Committee and the Council.

The Board of the Directors is composed of 10 persons, i.e. the President, the Vice President, the Scientific Secretary, the Executive Secretary, the Coordinator of International Projects (this is the Executive Committee) and one nominated representative for three years from each National Physical Society that is not represented in the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors is elected for three years, by open ballot by the regular members of the Association, who have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Association, during the General Assembly. The President, Vice-President and the Executive Secretary cannot be citizens of the same country.

A Quorum of the Board of Directors will consist of a majority plus one of Council members who has the right to vote.  In case of a tie, President’s vote will count as double.

For the period between the sessions of the Council, the work of BPU is administered and carried out by the BPU Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee:

  • decides on the credentials of the proposed by the members representatives of the next Council meeting;         
  • may ask for an extraordinary meeting of the Council;
  • prepares the activity plan and the budget of BPU and performs other duties assigned by the Council;
  • proposes new Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members to the Council.

The Executive Committee meets as a rule once a year.



The President represents BPU in the relationships with all external bodies and organisations, invites and presides the Council and the Executive Committee, is responsible for the scientific and financial policies of BPU and is distributor of the funds according to the budget approved by the Council.

The Vice-President replaces the President, if necessary.

In case that the Vice-President does not fulfill his/her duties he/she is replaced by the eldest member of the council

ARTICLE 17: THE SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY – the Coordinator of International Projects

The Scientific Secretary and the Coordinator of International Projects help the President with the scientific policy. The Coordinator of International Projects can initiate projects on behalf of BPU and supports the projects initiated by other BPU members.


The Executive Secretary helps the President in all administrative and financial matters and reports to the Council on the Executive Committee activities. The Executive Secretary is the rapporteur and executor of the decisions of the Executive Committee, helds the correspondence of the Association, subscribes after the President all the documents, signs after the President, the invitations to the meetings of the Council, keeps the file and the seal and records the minutes of the meetings. He/she makes the receipts and payments by subscribing the payment orders after the President, keeps his/her management books regularly, prepares the annual report, approved by the Council, submits it to the Council for final approval and manages the property of the Association.

In case that Executive Secretary cannot fulfill his/her duties he/she is replaced by the eldest member of the council



The other members of the Council participate in the administration of the Association and the meetings of the Council and perform all special tasks assigned to them.



The three-member Audit Committee elected by the Council is in charge to monitor and control the receipts and payments, made by the financial management and submits relevant reports to the Meetings. The work of this committee is headed by the senior. The three members of the Audit Committee must be from different countries.

ARTICLE 21: Election Committee- Elections

The elections of the Association are carried out under the supervision of a three-member Electoral Commission, which ensures the observance of order, supervises the elections as conducted in accordance with the Law and the Articles of the Association and decides on any disputes and objections.

The election of a new Executive Committee are held every 3 years.

The winners are those who receive the relevant majority from the total number of valid votes. In case of a tie, a draw is held by the Election Committee. Voting shall be by open ballot.

Candidates for the position of member of the Executive Committee are proposed by their society, one person per society. The person that has been “candidated“ must present a signed agreement from his/her Society to the Council up to the previous two (2) days before the Council and the President / Chairman announces the names of the candidates to the Council.

A secret voting is to be implemented, based on the proposal made by any member of the Council,

and on the decision of the Council made by a simple majority of the Council members



The Association must keep the following records:

1) Member Registration Book.

2) Book of Minutes of General Meetings.

3) Book of Practical Meetings of the Council and Executive Committee meetings.

4) Income-expense book.

5) Incoming-outgoing documents protocol.

6) Any other registers and files that will be deemed necessary by the Council.


This Statute can be amended by a decision of the Council of its regular members, which is convened specifically for this purpose and is characterized as a Statute. It is in quorum, to be attended by half (1/2) plus one of the eligible members and with a majority of three quarters (3/4) of those present.



The Association is dissolved at any time by a decision of the Council that meets specifically for this purpose, for any reason its purpose becomes unfulfilled or as soon as its regular members are less than 10. The presence of at least half (1/2) members of the financially sound and the majority of ¾ present is required. The property of the Association, if dissolved, is never distributed to its members.


ARTICLE 25: general provisions

The Association is obliged to comply with the provisions of articles 78-106 of the Civil Code. Any case not provided in these Articles of Association will be regulated by the observed and applicable provisions of the applicable Laws.

The present statute, consisting of twenty – five (25) articles, was approved, voted unanimously during the convening of the Council of its founding members for this purpose.


Union of Albanian Physicists

Prof. Dr. Polikron Dhoqina

Prof. As. Dr. Gerti Xhixha


Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. habil. Alexander Dreischuh

Prof. Dr. habil. Ekaterina Batchvarova


Cyprus Physicists Society

Dr. Demetrios Philippou

Dr. Tsalakos Giorgos    


Hellenic Physical Society                  

Prof. Efstratios Theodosiou

Dr. Kostas Vourlias


Moldovan Physical Society (MPS)

Dr. Eduard MONAICO



Montenegrin Society of Mathematicians and Physicists

Prof.  dr Predrag Miranović

Prof. dr. Mara Šćepanović

North Macedonia

Society of Physicists of Macedonia

Prof. D-r Lambe Barandovski 

Msc. Vesna Manchevska


Romanian Physics Sosiety




Serbian Physical Society

Prof. Bratislav Obradović

Prof. Goran Djordjevic


Turkish Physical Society

Prof. Baki AKKUŞ

Dr. Aysegul Ertoprak