12th BPU CONGRESS – Bucharest, Romania
(8-12 July, 2025)
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Alexander Petrov, former BPU President passed away (September, 2024)

With deep sadness, the Executive Committee of the BPU announces the passing into the world of eternal shadows of the former president of the BPU, Academician Alexander Petrov from Bulgaria, at the age of 75. During his lifetime he made important contributions to the development of Physics in the Balkan region, with a prodigious scientific career, a full and dignified life, leaving behind him an important legacy.


Thanassis Lambros BPU ex Secretary General passed away (25/1/2021)

The passing away of Thanassis Lambros is a great loss not only to his family but also to the Balkan Physical Union, with tens of thousands of members, who I am confident share our sorrow… more