The idea to found the Balkan Physical Union was first devised and put in motion by Prof A.Milojevic (Yugoslavia) and Prof. I Ursu (Romania) at the VIII Congress of the Union of Yugoslav Societies of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (UYSMPA), held in Pristina (Yugoslavia) in Nov. 1985 where the proposal was accepted. The reason leading to the forming of such a non-governmental, non profit scientific organization stemmed from the positive experiences of Scandinavian scientific unions and some other ideas coming from the Mathematical Union.
The first Balkan Physical Union Council meeting was held in Bucharest in 1987, when the Constitution of the BPU was signed by the Balkan National Physical Society delegates from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia. Turkey’s signature was accepted later.
The first BPU President elected during the first BPU Council meeting was Prof Ioan Ursu, former European Physical Society President. The Secretary, is Dr. Andrei Dorobantu from Romania, was also elected and the Secretariat was set up in Bucharest.
In 1989 they were succeeded by Professor Gediz Akdeniz, as President, and Professor Erduran, as Secretary, both from Turkey.
The new constitution was adopted in the 1997 Council held in Cluj, Romania
The President, from 1997 to 2003 was Professor Christos Zerefos from Greece, with Vice President Professor Matey Mateev from Bulgaria and Secretaries Professor Polychroniadis and Professor Lambros from Greece.
The President from 2003 to 2006 was Professor Ivan Lalov from Bulgaria with Vice President Professor Alexandru Calboreanu from Rumenia and secretaries Professor Lambros from Greece and Professor Arik from Turkey.
Professor Metin Arik was elected president in 2006 with Vice President Professor Marko Popovic from Serbia and secretaries Professor Lambros from Greece and Professor Todorov from Bulgaria.