12th BPU CONGRESS – Bucharest, Romania
(8-12 July, 2025)
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June 26-30, 2025, Ohrid, MKD


The Society of Physicists of Macedonia will organize the 7th Balkan Physics Olympiad – BPO7, a competition addressed to high school students from the Balkan countries. The competition will be held under the auspices of the Balkan Physics Union (BPU) and with the financial support of the European Physics Society (EPS). It will also be supported by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

The competition will be held from June 26 to 30, 2025.


  • Each country can be represented by a team of 4 students born after January 1, 2008, or with a maximum 3 months before this date, if they are part of the same year of study as the students accepted according to the above-mentioned age limit. The team will be accompanied by 2-3 professors appointed as leader, co-leader and member of the Scientific Committee (SC).
  • The team will be accompanied by 2-3 professors appointed as leader, co-leader and member of the Scientific Committee (SC).
  • The participation will be held on-site. Offline participation is not possible.
  • The competition will consist of a single test with 4 problems. The official language is English, but the problems will be translated by one of the accompanying teachers and students can write the test in the official language of their country.
  • A fee of 100 Euro/participant will be charged to students, leader and co-leader, fully covering the costs related to accommodation and meals, for participating countries.
  • Participation fee for guests and observers is 500 Euro/participant
  • The organizers will fully cover the costs related to the accommodation and meals for all participants onsite, the travel expenses being in the responsibility of the local (home) authorities.

The participation, and the team (students, leader, co-leader) have to be announced until February 15, 2025, at the address lambe@pmf.ukim.mk

We look forward to hosting you in Ohrid.

Chairman of the BPO Organizing Committee,
Prof. dr Lambe Barandovski