BPO 2022
Rules and Prizes
The Balkan Physics Olympiad (BPO) is organized once every year. This BPO represents the fourth edition, after the first one held in July 2019 onsite in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The BPO can only be held in one of the BPU member countries and only pupils from the member countries can officially participate in the contest.
The member countries of BPU are: Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.
The host country may also invite other pupils as unofficial participants.
Pupils who are participating in the BPO 2022, must be middle school or high school pupils, born after 1-1-2005.
Each country can propose up to four problems and they should be e-mailed to the Chairman of the Scientific Committee. The proposed problems should include their solutions.
The official language of the BPO is English. The team leaders (or additional translators) of each country will be aiding with the translation of the questions in the official language of the country. Participant pupils will solve the problems in the official language of their country.
The following prizes (medals) will be awarded:
Gold medals (best 10% of the participants)
Silver medals (next 15% of the participants)
Bronze medals (next 25 % of the participants)
Honorable Mention (the next 17 % of the participants)
A certificate of Honorable Mention shall also be awarded to each pupil who has obtained full marks on at least one problem.
A Certificate of Participation shall be given to all pupils contestants.
Note: The medals, certificates and other prizes will be announced at the official Award Ceremony. Effectively, they will be given by the Organizing Committee to the team leaders from each country.